Today's Reading


Fish to fry. Ha. Aunt Bessie Mae would love that one.

I reached for my water bottle and took a swig then gave Tasha a quick nod. "I'm headed out. See you in a couple hours."

"With a mess'a catfish and a jug of sweet tea."

"Yep." I took several steps in the direction of my 1952 Chevy truck, lovingly named Tilly. Her bright red paint shimmered under the late- afternoon sunlight, and for a moment I found myself transported back in time to my childhood. Back in those days, Tilly had belonged to my grandfather. Oh, how I loved riding alongside Papaw on his many trips into town. These days, I rode solo in Tilly. I wouldn't trade her for the finest car in town. Not with so many memories attached to her.

I climbed behind the wheel, determined to remain focused on the task at hand. Get home. Shower. Grab dinner. Head back.

The heat inside the truck was brutal, so I hand-cranked the window down. Right away, the overpowering scent of blooming azaleas wafted through the air.

I turned on the truck and adjusted the AC vents. Not every '52 Chevy had AC, but I'd added it to the reno a few months back. No way I'd survive in Texas without it.

Seconds later, Tasha appeared at my open window, brow wrinkled in concern. "You seemed a little worried earlier. Are you concerned we won't be safe in the house by ourselves tonight?"

"Of course. We'll be fine." I pressed my water bottle against my neck in an attempt to cool myself down.

Still, the flicker of concern in her eyes made me second-guess my response. I knew she had concerns about the homeless man who had set up camp here a couple of weeks back, but the police had that situation under control. I hoped.

"I'll bring Riley with me." I set my water bottle into the cupholder to my right. "She'll protect us."

Tasha didn't look convinced. "I love Riley, but that dog is about as useless as a wooden frying pan."

"True, that." I laughed. "But I'll bring her anyway. A barking dog always scares away would-be intruders."

"So you are nervous." She released an exaggerated breath. "I knew it."

"Nope. Not at all." Though, I was a little nervous that she had her sweaty arm up against my clean truck.

Tasha's gaze shifted to the ground then back up at me. "I guess this would be as good a time as any to tell you that I had another certified letter from Belinda Keller this morning."

"Really?" My heart skipped a beat as she mentioned the name of the former owner's daughter. The woman had been a pain from the get-go, but I was sure she would eventually let go of the notion that the house should have come to her. Apparently, some folks didn't give up that easily.

"Yeah. She says she's going to take me to court." Another dramatic sigh followed. I'd come to expect this sort of over-the-top reaction from my BFF.

"She's just bluffing. You're the rightful owner now. She has no claims to this property, even if her parents did once own it. Or am I misunderstanding all of this?"

"No, you're understanding it correctly. The house was left to her stepbrother, Anthony. He was the only one named in the will. She was left out, which got her very upset."

"Ouch. Are you sure?"

"Yep. Anthony showed us the will at closing in case she tried to pull any shenanigans. He's named right there, in the very first paragraph. She's actually named too but only to state that no provision has been made for her."

"Oh my."

"I know. I guess this sort of thing happens a lot after family squabbles. But from what he said, she's been threatening legal action since she learned he was going to sell the place."

"But he sold it anyway. To you." The cool air from the vents finally worked its magic, and I relaxed a little.

"Yep." She nodded and leaned against my door. "He wanted to be rid of it. And the quicker, the better. That's why I got it for such a great price."
"I see." I paused to think through this situation. "But I can kind of see why Belinda would be upset. I mean, if my parents left the ranch to my brothers but omitted my name from the will, I'd be worked up too."

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